Monday, October 10, 2022

53. Chasing Macks Rippers Ace, “Riley,” BLM, Jeff Stetzenbach

Chasing Macks Rippers Ace "Riley"
Lab Male -- 3/6/2021
Sire: FC-AFC Hockley Creek's Switch Hitter
Dam: Stonebrook's Evasive Maneuver MH
Breeder: Jason Ottinger & Alysse Ottinger
Owner: Jeff Stetzenbach, Sedalia, MO
Handler: Jeff Stetzenbach

Jeff and Riley came to the line at 8:23 am

F – Between the bales, wide right for a long bird. Perfect!

L – Out to the left of the mound, behind the guns, looped deep, circled the cedars, out to the right, deep and back in to get his bird.

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