4th Series

Test 4 is a Land Double with Hen Ducks

Test 4 is located in "Bob's Field." This test will be a Land Double with Hen Ducks. The mat faces a field with a gravel road that starts to the Right of the line about 20 yards and moves in front of the test and proceeds on the upper Left side – the balance of the field drops off to the right. 

As the dog looks out from the mat to the right, gun station #1 is down the hill on the right at 224 yards from the line. They will shoot and throw a hen duck angled back towards the brushy base of a tree. It will land behind the tree. (We will refer to this mark as R for Right)

Gun Station #2 is in front of the mat about 171 yards from the line. These gunners are just Right of the road in front of a mound. They throw a hen duck to the Left over the road and slightly down the hill. (We will refer to this mark as L for Left)

This test is taking approximately 4-5 minutes per dog to complete.