Monday, October 10, 2022

24. Blitzen Rolling Thunder, “Blitz,” BLM, Mike Holliday

Blitzen Rolling Thunder "Blitz"
Lab Male -- 2/16/2021
Sire: FC-AFC Hockley Creek's Switch Hitter
Dam: FC Mossy River's Split Infinitives
Breeder: Robert McFarlane
Owner: Mike Holliday, Southlake, TX
Handler: Mike Holliday

Mike and Blitz came to the line at 11:24 am

F – Grabbed his bird on the run! Excellent Job!

L – Went up left, moved right to the cedars, turned back left and got his bird quickly!

Owner Name: Mike Holliday

Dog Name: Blitz

When did you begin competing in Field Trials? 
February 2021

What made you decide to compete in Field Trials? 
Competition and I enjoy the process of dog training

Who are your training partners at home? 
My pro is Wade Cashion

What is the origin of your dog’s name? 
Blitzen is German for lightning and I wanted a play off of Thunder and Lightning. My son spent three years in High School learning German, so he suggested Blitzen. One of the few words he remembered.

Tell us an interesting story about your dog.
At five months old, Blitz contracted a severe case of pneumonia and slowly recovered after spending14 days in canine ICU. His odds of survival were less than 20% at one point in time. He’s a fighter and I’m proud and honored to watch him work.

You and your dog have survived nine series of the National Derby Championship. You are about to come to the line for the 10th series with a chance to be crowned the 2022 National Derby Champion. What song and artist would you want to hear playing as the two of you come to the line? 
“For Those About to Rock,” by AC-DC